Romas Švedas

Romas Švedas

Romas Švedas for 20 years has been a civil servant and from 2011 is an Independent Expert and Lecturer at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University. He is the former Vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania (2009–2011), Director of the Economic Security Policy Department (2007–2009) and Economic Relations Department (1999–2003) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the former Deputy Permanent Representative of Lithuania in the European Union in Brussels (2003–2007), and the Counselor at the Lithuanian Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office and of other international organizations in Geneva (1995–1999). Romas Švedas is well aware of the stage-by-stage Baltic Sea energy sector development over the past decade since he was a member of the EU High Level Group of the BEMIP (2008–2011) as well as the Chairman of the Boards of ‘Klaipėdos nafta’ (2010–2011), the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (2009–2011), ‘Litgrid’ (2010–2011) and member of the board of the ‘Lietuvos Dujos’ (2010–2011). He has been in charge of the development of such projects as the New Nuclear Power Plant in Lithuania, ‘Nordbalt’ and ‘LitPolLink’ power interconnections, LNG terminal, transformation of the EU 3rd energy package into Lithuanian legislation.

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