Julie Seymour

Julie Seymour (PhD) was a Reader in Medical Sociology at the Hull York Medical School (HYMS), Hull, United Kingdom until recent retirement. Her research interests focused on family and childhood practices in relation to domestic labour, health and illness, emotional labour, work-life balance, body donation and transnational migration. Recent publications include Dermott, E. and Seymour, J. (eds.) (2011) Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life, and Hackett, A., Procter, L. and Seymour, J. (eds.) (2015) Children’s Spatialities: Embodiment, Emotions and Agency.

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Šeiminiai pokyčiai atvirų Europos sienų ir globalaus mobilumo akivaizdoje: resursai, procesai ir praktikos
Kolektyvinėje straipsnių rinktinėje analizuojami globalios migracijos sąlygojami šeiminiai pokyčiai. Taikydamas tris teorines perspektyvas – kartų solidarumo, šeiminių praktikų ir simbolinės sąveikos – tarptautinis autorių kolektyvas aptaria šeiminius resursus, praktikas ir procesus. This edit..
Making Lithuanian Families Across Borders. Conceptual Frames and Empirical Evidence [SUTARTIS NEBUVO PASIRAŠYTA]
This edited collection opens the door to understanding the representations and experiences of Lithuanian migrant families. The authors aim to highlight the most recent theoretical frames through which to understand the personal lives, family practices of migrants, and the ways family relationships c..
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Making Lithuanian Families Across Borders. Conceptual Frames and Empirical Evidence
This edited collection opens the door to understanding the representations and experiences of Lithuanian migrant families. The authors aim to highlight the most recent theoretical frames through which to understand the personal lives, family practices of migrants, and the ways family relationships c..
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